Useful Information

iPhone tips and tricks in 2023 【How to clear storage】for new users.

Nowadays, technology has been advancing in both hardware and software. Do you take advantage of those technologies for y...
Politics and Economy

【Best 10 stocks/shares】Japanese companies with high yield dividends paying in May 

I summarized top 10 best stocks of Japanese companies with high dividend yield whose ex-dividend date will be in May 202...
Politics and Economy

【Best 10 stocks/shares】Japanese companies with high yield dividends paying in April 

I summarized top 10 best stocks/shares of Japanese companies with high dividend yield whose ex-dividend date will be in ...
Useful Information

iphone tips and tricks in 2023 【Google Search with images】for new users.

Nowadays, technology has been advancing in both hardware and software. Do you take advantage of those technologies for y...
Life Skills

To work with Millennials __Characteristics and values ​​in the workplace

Since antient times, understanding beyond generation is big challenge all over the world. Nowadays, our life has been co...
Life Skills

Harassment & bullying at workplace―example cases and how to handle it―

These days, harassment is recognized as one of the serious social problems. We have different type of harassment in the ...
Life Skills

Importance of empathy __Why some people can empathize and others can’t?

There is various type of troubles of human relationships in workplaces, business, couple, family and friends. Even if yo...
Life Skills

How to react to criticism at work?

Everyone has the experience of being criticized by someone and being furious completely. After being criticized, some pe...

Diet & workout learning from the top model, Bella Hadid. Check about her new boyfriend Marc Kalman.

Bella Hadid is an one of extremely popular model and celebrities who has been desired by many designers. It has been rev...
Culture and History

Philosophy of Han Feizi. Must-see for business leaders.

"Han Feizi" is also called a guidebook for business leaders. While many people refer to ‘’Sun Tzu Martial Arts’’ as the ...