Life Skills

Life Skills

To work with Millennials __Characteristics and values ​​in the workplace

Since antient times, understanding beyond generation is big challenge all over the world. Nowadays, our life has been co...
Life Skills

Harassment & bullying at workplace―example cases and how to handle it―

These days, harassment is recognized as one of the serious social problems. We have different type of harassment in the ...
Life Skills

Importance of empathy __Why some people can empathize and others can’t?

There is various type of troubles of human relationships in workplaces, business, couple, family and friends. Even if yo...
Life Skills

How to react to criticism at work?

Everyone has the experience of being criticized by someone and being furious completely. After being criticized, some pe...
Life Skills

The Dunning-Kruger effect: how to use it in workplace and home.

In this world, there are people who underestimate themselves despite having excellent abilities and experiences, and who...
Life Skills

【Win Tactics】 How to handle office politics in the workplace?

Everyone faces office politics ( internal politics ) when you belong to a company or organization. Some people are stron...
Life Skills

【Socratic questioning method】How to use it in business and education and real life.

A philosopher Socrates was a person who devoted his life to the questions about "how people should live" and continued t...